millor Llocs pornogràfics de 2024
millor VPNs for watching porn

millor VPN Per al porno el 2024 | Segur i anònim

Hide your kinks, hide your history, hide yourself. These are the main reasons why you should use VPN every time when browsing porn online. You will never have to be worried again that you forgot to delete your browser history. No one ever finds out who you are and where you are from. Yes, although it sounds crazy, every website stores your IP and knows your location. What an unpleasant finding. But we are here to help you stay hidden. We bring you the best VPN services you should always use when watching porn. From free VPNs to premium VPNs with which you can appear on the other side of the world in a second! The new possibilities are now opened to you. Find out what you were missing without a VPN. Your time has come!

5 reasons why you need a VPN when watching porn

#1 ANONIMITAT I PRIVACITAT. No cal que siguis una persona paranoica per saber que tots els teus passos a Internet estan controlats. No només pel vostre ordinador, sinó també pels llocs web i el vostre proveïdor de serveis d'Internet (ISP). Probablement no us importi ser supervisat mentre navegueu per Internet aleatòriament. Però i si mires porno? Què passa si fas alguna cosa que vols amagar del món? Sí, podria tenir conseqüències molt dolentes si la teva dona descobreix que mires porno desagradable. Realment no vols que vegi anuncis de joguines sexuals que li apareixen del no-res.

#2-3 SEGURETAT I LLIBERTAT. Anonymity means not only safety for you but also freedom! Have you ever had a desire to visit some forbidden website? But you were too afraid someone could find it out. With VPN, Pot navegar de manera anònima per qualsevol lloc web d'Internet, i et quedes sense ser reconegut. És molt emocionant obrir un nou capítol de la vida en línia. Pots complir tots els teus desitjos sense augmentar els nivells d'adrenalina. Perquè ara ets un noi aleatori de Bulgària. Almenys, Internet ho pensa.

#4 DESBLOQUEjar PORNO. Aquest motiu té diversos significats. Comencem amb un ISP que bloqueja l'accés als llocs pornogràfics. Podria ser una xarxa Wi-Fi pública o només algun proveïdor malhumorat que no vulgui deixar-te veure porno. Però realment no poden controlar algú que tècnicament no utilitza la seva IP... Un altre cas en què necessiteu desbloquejar pornografia pot passar si el lloc web no vol la vostra presència allà. Per exemple, l'infame Czech Casting bloqueja els txecs de veure porno al seu lloc porno. És perquè les noies no volen que ningú al seu país s'assabenti que ara són estrelles porno. I l'últim cas en què podríeu haver de desbloquejar el porno és si viviu en països que bloquegen completament l'accés a llocs web per a adults. Simplement dit, bloqueig GEO. Podem anomenar Índia, Corea del Sud o Aràbia Saudita.

#5 ACCELERATGE D'AMPLADA DE BANDA. We are once again by the Internet Service Providers. You think you don’t need to use VPN if you watch just regular porn on Pornhub. But ISP could have another opinion. Because they might see a higher bandwidth from your IP, and decideixen accelerar les teves velocitats. Yep, that happens more often than you would expect. And it can be pretty annoying when you are ready to watch your favorite pornstars with the biggest tits in 4K resolution. But nope, ISP decided HD should be enough for you. You won’t have such troubles with a VPN.

millor VPN for Porn in 2023

Tot i que sembli una tasca impossible, vam triar el 4 millor VPNs with which you can travel around the world from the comfort of your bedroom. There are dozens of VPN services, but only some of them give you the best speed, huge variety of locations, and reliability. We tested tens of VPNs for our own purposes but always ended by those we are gonna talk about next. Among the top 4 best VPNs, we placed ExpressVPN, AtlasVPN, NordVPNi CyberGhostVPN. Tots ells ofereixen serveis premium amb moltes funcions i un període de prova.

1. ExpressVPN

ExpressVPN Logo
  • Link:
  • Servidors: 3,000
  • Països: 94
  • Prova: 30 dies sense risc
  • Dispositius: 5
  • Preu al mes: $12.95 ($6.67 en oferta exclusiva: 12+3 mesos)

We will talk about the NordVPN as the most popular VPN, Però ExpressVPN és el millor valorat VPN! How does it sound to be able to visit 97 different countries? One day in the Bahamas, the next day in Singapore. No one will ever find out who you are and where you are from. That’s guaranteed. And it’s also guaranteed you get the best browsing experience with fast speeds and 24/7 live support. Many say ExpressVPN has a better graphic interface for not experienced users than NordVPN. But if we had to say our opinion, both services are really easy to understand. But what we can say for sure is that ExpressVPN always has excellent results.

2. AtlasVPN

  • Link:
  • Servidors: 750 +
  • Països: 42
  • Període de prova: Dies 30 garantia de devolució
  • Dispositius: Il · limitat
  • Preu al mes: $10.99

You wouldn’t expect AtlasVPN to be so high on our list of the best VPNs. But there are many reasons to give a chance to this provider. Probably the biggest advantage of Atlas VPN és el nombre il·limitat de dispositius que podeu connectar simultàniament. You can stop counting your connected devices because, simply, you will not care. If you choose a 3-year subscription plan, you save 82% with their discount! You won’t even notice on your bank account you pay for the VPN. What a great deal! And even though the number of servers is not as high as you can see in their competitors’ offers, you will definitely choose from their servers all around the globe. AtlasVPN definitely belongs among the best VPNs of today.

3. NordVPN

NordVPN Logo
  • Link:
  • Servidors: 5,285
  • Països: 60
  • Període de prova: Dies 30 garantia de devolució
  • Dispositius: 6
  • Preu al mes: €10.49 (4.49 en oferta exclusiva: 12+3 mesos)

Probablement el més popular VPN of today. It’s been ten years since NordVPN was created, and it still gets better, faster and more secure. They offer 5,276 servidors ultra ràpids en 60 països! That’s an unbelievable number, and even more incredible is their speed. With a VPN, you usually lose around 75% of your actual speed. But NordVPN’s servers give you more than 50% of your speed! A few years ago, this would sound pretty crazy. But here we are, the time where everything is possible. They also offer next-generation encryption, so you can be sure your data stay safe no matter what.

4 CyberGhostVPN

CyberGhostVPN Logo
  • Link:
  • Servidors: 7,600
  • Països: 91
  • Prova: Dies 14 garantia de devolució
  • Dispositius: 7
  • Preu al mes: €11.99 (2.03 en oferta exclusiva: 24+4 mesos)

The fight for third place behind those two huge companies is always tough. And this time, we picked the VPN that was surprisingly fast and reliable. It’s the CyberGhostVPN that is able to move us to 91 countries! It’s also el més barat si trieu un pla de facturació a llarg termini, and they offer a 45-day money-back guarantee. We really recommend trying it. With their basic billing plans, you get up to 7 protected devices, but if you want an additional security suite, you have to pay more. The NordVPN i ExpressVPN have their advanced protection already counted in their billing plans, so it’s a little letdown for CyberGhostVPN. But it still doesn’t change the fact you will get the perfect VPN servei.

Millor gratuït VPN. What are the best free VPNés avui?

It’s always hard to find a free variant of premium services that brings the same quality. And yes, the same problem comes with free VPNs. Although you can find some, you will never have the same opportunities. Usually, they offer menys servidors per als seus usuaris gratuïts. That means you are not able to appear every time in another place in the world. And if you need a particular location, it’s really easier to purchase a full version. But that’s not the only limitation that comes with a free VPN.

Si utilitzeu VPN to download porn movies, you will appreciate a higher speed. But that’s not the case with free VPNs. Els seus la velocitat és limitada, and you will have trouble even streaming the movies in the highest possible resolution. It’s like coming back to the 90s. But still, for casual Internet browsing, you can use some of the best free VPN services. We can name ProtóVPN, privatVPN, O All these services have also paid options. If you want a full service for free, believe that many of the best premium VPNs offer a trial period, usually 1 month, during which you can try the full service without any limitations.

Mode d'incògnit per al porno. És suficient? Què fa el mode d'incògnit?

You could ask yourself, why use VPN when you can turn on the mode d'incògnit al vostre navegador. Però és realment el mateix? Per als usuaris sense experiència, pot semblar que naveguen de manera completament anònima amb el mode d'incògnit. Però, de fet, tot el que fa el mode d'incògnit és que el navegador no guarda l'historial i les galetes. Sí, aquest és el fet. La teva IP encara és visible per a tothom. I els llocs web encara poden obtenir la vostra ubicació i veure les vostres activitats. I com dèiem, això és exactament el que no volem quan mirem porno.

Incognito mode is not enough when watching porn. Use VPN en el seu lloc.

Aconsegueix accés a tots els llocs porno del món. Mira porno des de qualsevol lloc.

Amb VPN come many opportunities. Podeu visitar llocs que us han bloquejat i podeu fer gairebé el que vulgueu a tot Internet. Per descomptat, si trieu la ubicació correcta. Ja hem esmentat alguns països que estan bloquejant totalment l'accés al porno. I també hem esmentat el Czech Casting que no pots visitar des de la República Txeca. Aleshores, quins són els millors països per triar per poder veure qualsevol porno que t'agradi? Si també tenim en compte la velocitat de la connexió, els millors resultats tenen Alemanya. Sí, el país europeu que et permet veure qualsevol porno a qualsevol lloc.

millor VPN for Dark Web porn and Hardcore Porn Sites

Now we finally get to watching porn. We don’t say you need to always use a VPN when doing it, but it’s highly recommended. You probably don’t want anyone to find out you visit porno scat sense censura o salvatge llocs porno hardcore. But even if you watch random porn videos on Pornhub, you might find out every country has different recommendations. Without a VPN, et pots perdre moltes escenes noves that don’t appear in your location. But there is also a place where it’s totally necessary to have VPN. La Dark Web.

Has pensat mai what is hiding on the Darknet? If you are a true porn fan, probably yes. And even though there are a lot of things you don’t want to see, you can find content that will totally blow your mind. In a good way, of course. How to find porn on a dark web? We have prepared for you a special article together with links to the millor dark web llocs porno. With only legal content, of course. Now, it’s your time to choose the best VPN and satisfy all your hidden desires!

Tots els blocs de porno i sexe