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Outoja fetissejä

Top 20 outoa seksuaalista fetissiä

For most people, normal physical contact is enough for sexual arousal, culminating in sex, and preferably orgasm. But not everyone has it that simple. There are people among us who need a little something else to achieve the desired arousal. We will look at these people’s weird sexual fetishes. Expect the unexpected, as you may have heard of some sexual fetishes, others may be incredible or even disgusting.

Seksi on edelleen hyvin intiimi asia, josta ei keskustella täysin julkisesti. Enemmänkin jos maistuu outoja fetissejä. Jos kuitenkin kohtaat jonkun, joka yllättää sinut makuuhuoneessa epätavallisilla vaatimuksilla, on hyvä olla valmis. Joten katsotaanpa oudoimpia fetissejä, joita voit tavata.

Luettelo oudoimmat seksifetissit (klikkaa termiä nopeuttaaksesi navigointia)

#20 Cuckolding#19 Spanking Art#18 Breath Play
#17 Pee fetish#16 Quirofilia#15 Mechanophilia
#14 Daddy Kink#13 Coprophilia#12 Macrophilia
#11 Somnophilia#10 Omorashi#9 Diaper Bondage
#8 Climacophilia#7 Formicophilia#6 Psychrophilia
#5 Vorarephilia#4 Teratophilia#3 Dendrophilia
#2 Balloon fetish#1 Nasolingus

#20 Cuckolding / Cuckoldry

A very popular theme for porn makers. The love couple invites a stranger to their home, but not for a threesome, but to satisfy a woman, while her husband will only watch and not engage in sexual events at all. And it is the man who is just watching, that is experiencing unprecedented arousal. He does not mind that someone fucks his wife; on the contrary, he likes it more than anything else. If you also have these fantasies, we can show you joitain verkkosivustoja sopii sinulle.

#19 Spanking Art

Butt slapping is a common thing that no sexual act should miss. However, there are people who are aroused only by the slap, without the need for direct sexual intercourse. These people need to be slapped, causing them arousal. On the contrary, there are also people who are aroused just by slapping someone, so both partners can enjoy this strange fetish.

#18 Breath Play

Ilman pääsyn kuristaminen ja estäminen seksuaalisen kiihottumisen lisäämiseksi. Tämä seksuaalinen fetissi ei ole vain pieni kaasu, vaan siinä yritetään päästä tukehtumisen reunalle, ja tässä tilassa mies tai nainen saavuttaa suurimman nautinnon. Breath Play ei käytä vain kättäsi, vaan myös muovipusseja, säkkejä tai voit käyttää omaa munaa tukehtuaksesi kumppanisi.

Breath Play - Outo seksuaalinen fetissi
Breath Play – Ilman pääsyn estäminen seksuaalisen kiihottumisen lisäämiseksi

#17 Pee Fetish

Known but for someone unimaginable fetish. Also known as the Golden Shower. Again, there are two variations where one is aroused to pee on someone or to be peed. And it does not matter if on the body, the face or directly into your mouth. The formal name of this strange fetish is Urolagnia. If you are interested in this kind of sexual fetish, we have for you koko osa pissaamiseen keskittyvillä verkkosivustoilla.

#16 Quirofilia / Hand Fetish

For some, not only the traditional parts of the body, such as breasts or genital organs, are the source of arousal. People with Hand Fetish find the sexiest hands and their individual parts. Fingers, nails, or palms. Someone with this weird sexual fetish is aroused only by looking at someone’s hands; others are aroused by the movement of hands even in common activities such as hand washing or dishwashing.

#15 Mechanophilia

Fetish, when a person is aroused by machines, is called Mechanophilia. They want to be satisfied by machines, and the best have sex with them directly. The most common machines that cause arousal to these people are cars, airplanes, or helicopters. People with this fetish often end up lonely only with their beloved machines.

Mekanofilia - Outo seksuaalinen fetissi
Mekanofilia – Kun koneet herättävät sinut

#14 Daddy Kink (Daddy Dom)

Yksi tunnetuista fetisseistä, kun nuori nainen haluaa kutsua seksikumppaniaan isäksi. Mies kohtelee tyttöään hallitsevasti ja hallitsee häntä ankarasti. Tytöt yrittävät usein korvata kadonnutta isää kasvaessaan.

#13 Coprophilia / Scatophilia

Another fetish that is focused on secretion. However, now it is not the urine, but shit. People with this strange sexual fetish are aroused to shit on someone or to be shat on. The best-known example of this fetish is the notorious video 2 girls 1 cup.

#12 Macrophilia / Giantess Sex

People who are aroused by the excessive size of their sexual partners suffer from a fetish called Macrophilia. And it’s not just the traditional size difference, when men are aroused by fat women. The Macrophilia people are attracted by giants who are many times larger than humans.

Makrofilia - Outo seksuaalinen fetissi
Makrofilia – jättiläisten aiheuttama kiihotus

#11 Somnophilia

Many people often play with the idea of waking up their partner with a sexual act. People with a fetish Somnophilia are directly aroused by this idea, so their partner does not enjoy peaceful sleep, because they can be awakened at any time during sleep, just to satisfy the man’s fetish.

#10 Omorashi

This weird fetish is similar to Pee Fetish but is a little different. A person with this fetish is not aroused by the peeing, but it arouses him the feeling of having a full bladder, which is called bladder desperation, or wetting directly – panty wetting. If a person with this fetish gets wet like this, he gets a lot of arousal. Just as they watch someone else get wet and sees his pants gradually getting wet from the urine.

9 Diaper Bondage

Tämän fetissin nimi tekee selväksi, että vaipoilla on tässä tärkeä rooli. Tämä fetissi on ajatus siitä, että aikuinen on lapsi, ja hänen kumppaninsa on pidettävä hänestä huolta. Tämä on eräänlainen roolileikki, ja ihmiset, joilla on tämä fetissi, kärsivät aikuisten vauvan syndroomasta.

Diaper Bondage - Outo seksuaalinen fetissi
Diaper Bondage – Ajatus siitä, että aikuinen on lapsi

#8 Climacophilia

This fetish is really one of the strangest, and at the same time, we can say that even a very dangerous fetish. The person with this fetish is aroused to see someone falling down the stairs. So it is dangerous to try to satisfy this person, because you may get hurt.

#7 Formicophilia

Vaikka hyönteiset aiheuttavat monissa ihmisissä fobiaa, formikofiliafetissistä kärsiviä ihmisiä houkuttelevat hyönteiset ja hyönteiset herättävät heidät. Formikofiliaa sairastavan ihmisen sulkeminen huoneeseen, jossa on paljon hyönteisiä, voi saada hänet erittäin kiihottumaan.

#6 Psychrophilia

Talvi on suosituin vuodenaika ihmisille, joilla on tämä fetissi. Heitä herättää kylmyyden tunne ja kun he näkevät toisen ihmisen koputtamassa kylmästä. Siksi pukeudu sopivasti talvella; muuten saatat päätyä seksuaaliseksi ideaksi ihmisille, joilla on tämä fetissi.

Psykrofilia - outo seksuaalinen fetissi
Psykrofilia – Kylmyyden tunteen aiheuttama kiihottuminen

#5 Vorarephilia

Where cannibalism is done, people with a Vorarephilia fetish would not rest much. Because they are aroused by the thought of being eaten or seeing someone eating another person. So this is another weird, dangerous sexual fetish.

#4 Teratophilia

A physical handicap is not always a bad thing. This is known to people suffering from a fetish called Teratophilia. These people are aroused by people suffering from some physical deformity. It may be a missing limb or scars or burns.

#3 Dendrophilia / Arbophilia

Trees supply people with oxygen and can also provide energy. However, they add much more to some people. People with this fetish just touch the trees and get the arousal. Or they just imagine a tree as a phallic symbol.

#2 Balloon Fetish / Looners

It does not seem that a balloon itself can cause arousal in someone. But the opposite is true. Someone just likes to watch their partner sitting on the balloon or burst it straight away. Another person with this fetish who is called Looner is directly trying to have sex with the balloon.

#1 Nasolingus

Ihminen voi käyttää kieltään monella tapaa seksissä. He voivat nuolla kumppanin korvaa, kaulaa, rintoja tai sukupuolielimiä. Ihmiset, joilla on fetissi nimeltä Nasolingus, nuolevat kuitenkin mieluummin kumppaninsa nenää. Ja se kiihottaa heitä eniten. Ole varovainen nenojesi suhteen.

Nasolingus - Outo seksuaalinen fetissi
Nasolingus – Herätys nuolemalla kumppanin nenää

Enemmän seksuaalisia fetissejä kuin odotatkaan

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