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Literotica is a porn site like no other and you will be amazed by their content. It is a place with free sex stories, erotic fantasy and adult fiction. It has 100% original sex stories from amateur authors. Whether you are an enjoyer of erotic stories or an amateur author, you can find your fun on Literotica. It holds contests between its contributors and offers a massive selection of adult fantasies to choose from. Literotica cares deeply about the experience of its users and encourages comments and suggestions to make this free sex story site more pleasurable! … read more
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Literotica Review

Although we can never get enough of porn videos, sex stories sites have their charm. If you are looking for a porn site with free sex stories, Literotica is the right choice for you. There is an incredible amount of original works by amateur authors that will give you an exciting reading experience. The hottest fantasy stories are easily available for you here to dive into the world of erotica and give space to your naughty imagination. Let’s take a closer look at what to expect from this adult fiction website.


At first, you will be greeted by a very modest welcoming site but don't be put off. As soon as you enter further through the site index to the stories & pics, you will find yourself on a website with a simple yet pleasant design. The combination of the white and light blue background with black text and blue elements is not very expressive, but it is nice to read. There is a handy menu on the top, if you click on the explore button it will lead you to all important options, such as categories, tags, popular, favorites, comments, and much more. The site index can also lead you to other pages, such as toys & videos, a bulletin board, webcams, erotic chats, story contests, and other interesting options.


The subpage with erotic stories has a lot to offer. First, we should mention the great community. You can become a Literotica member for free and enjoy all the benefits. There are forums, where you can read and write posts and give your feedback on stories you have read. If you are an author, you can discuss writing with other authors. You can even find forums dedicated to BDSM, LGBTQIA+, fetish,  sexuality, and online role-playing. You will be amazed by the amount of options here. Live chat is also part of the community.

If you come here as a reader, you will be most interested in the erotic stories themselves. You can easily browse the selections of new erotic stories, story top lists, story series, and a story feedback hub. In the author index, you can browse stories by your favorite writers. New here are story games with interactive adult stories where you can choose your path.

What erotic story categories can you look forward to? Most stories can be found in the categories like BDSM, erotic couplings, taboo, loving wives, nonconsent/reluctance, and sci-fi & fantasy. But there are a lot of other enticing categories, such as group sex, first-time, anal, mature, romance, toys & masturbation, and more. Besides adult fiction, Literotica has other sources of pleasure to offer, for example, erotic poetry, adult comics, artwork, and even webcams. You can immerse yourself in a world of erotica and spend here all your free time if you want.


Do you want to be carried away by exciting fantasies? Literotica got you covered! Here, you can enjoy countless of the hottest erotic fantasy stories. Whether you love sexual adventures with a lot of romance, wild BDSM stories, or adult sci-fi, there is so much to choose from. If you are a reader or an author, this is a place for you to pursue your passion. Literotica is a porn site with free sex stories, hottest erotic fantasy and adult fiction. Enjoy various erotic stories or even better, become an author yourself. Literotica is always looking for new authors to widen their collections of sex stories and enhance their experience!