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The Handy 评论

The Handy 评论 – 最好的男性性玩具?

All you need is love. Or hand. Or Handy. Yep, Handy sounds great. And it sounds even better when wanking your cock in the rhythm of a bouncing ass of petite teen bumping into your thighs. Looks like a dream, The Handy turns it into a reality. We are talking about the ultimate automatic masturbator that pushes the erotic experience to a whole new level. Let your hand rest for a moment. You won’t need it. Because The Handy will take care of everything. From the first stroke, you know you are about to experience something special. Something you will want to repeat again and again. For the first time in history, women are jealous of a sex toy! The Handy breaks the boundaries, and we are going to look at it in detail in our review.

The Handy 拆箱

The first thing that comes up to your mind when ordering a sex toy is if the packaging is discreet enough so no one can find out what’s inside the box. And when ordering The Handy from their official websites 便利网,你不必担心。因为 机器装在一个普通的棕色盒子里交付. Only when you open the box you can see the official packaging. You can already imagine the joy when you see the black box with a picture of The Handy on the front side in your hands. But that’s just the beginning. Because we are about to open it and find out 里面藏着什么。我们不得不说,当我们第一次打开盒子时,我们非常惊讶地发现这个性玩具在现实中看起来比图片上还要好。

但首先要说的是。当您打开盒子时,或者更好地说,当您将主盒从盖子中拉出时,您会发现铭文“不用谢'。进而。就在那里。 The Handy。终极机器。你最好的新朋友。你的新荡妇永远不会拒绝。它看起来比我们想象的要大,但看起来很史诗!与机器一起,我们得到了 一袖, 电源和用户手册. Of course, we couldn’t wait to try it, so we jumped to the manual to find out how The Handy works. And it couldn’t be easier.

创新中心 The Handy 方式

We were ready to try The Handy without using all its special functions at first. Their time is about to come. We just had to go for our first experience. To enjoy it, all we needed was the manual with the description of the buttons. 有6个按钮,并且理解他们在做什么确实不是一件困难的事情。在使用机器之前,最重要的可能就是您需要在附近找到一个有电源插座的地方。因为 The Handy has no battery。您可以拔掉床头柜上的台灯插头,然后开始行动。电缆长3米,长度足够了。

The next task is putting the sleeve on your penis. The Handy sleeves are made from an elastic material that 适合所有尺寸和形状的阴茎. At least, they say it. They also say the TrueGrip sleeve should last for 20-40 usages. So it probably depends on how much you stretch the sleeve. There are 3 个袖子,您可以额外订购 具有一些特殊属性。从软套到中套,再到硬套,体验粗糙。这是你的选择。但让我们回到我们第一次使用这个令人惊奇的设备进行测试。

With a sleeve on the penis, all you need to do next is to fasten the belt around it, and you are free to go. One of the weakest points of The Handy 是 你需要把它拿在手里。当然,当你想控制它时,这不是问题。但当你找到理想的速度时,你仍然无法完全解放双手。没关系,我们可以习惯它,然后行动就可以开始了。首先,您将寻找 最适合您阴茎的最佳设置。但是,当您学会在不看按钮的情况下控制机器时,您会对其影响感到兴奋。

这里有 多个级别的速度和行程长度。当然,我们建议从慢速开始,逐渐找到适合您不同自慰时刻的完美速度。行程长度因您的阴茎尺寸和您的喜好而异。当你接近幸福结局时,不要害怕射精。 该材料超级容易清洁, and you can use it later with no worries. And later, you can try using some of The Handy 特殊功能。

是什么 The Handy 特殊功能?

好吧, The Handy works great! But it was just the beginning. Because this machine is capable of things, you have only dreamed about. Until now. After you 联接 The Handy to your Wi-Fi,你会发现一个全新的世界。一个充满难以想象的可能性的世界。说明非常清楚,每个人都应该设法连接设备。您获得连接密钥,乐趣就可以开始了。

在线时如何使用性玩具有两种选择。当您有一个想和您一起玩的女朋友时,第一个选择很棒。因为她现在可以 控制 The Handy 远程 通过她的电话。她可以在你耳边低语,同时控制取悦你阴茎的设备的速度和行程。听起来很有趣,如果她真的知道如何让你射精,这可能会是一次难忘的经历。

The second option with The Handy connected to Wi-Fi is to use it together with porn videos. You probably haven’t heard of such an option yet. But believe, this 机器可以根据色情电影中的动作来控制其功能。想象一下一位著名的色情明星以第一人称视角吸吮鸡巴。现在,想象一下这只鸡鸡是你的。这很容易,因为借助已经制作的脚本,该设备可以模仿她的吸吮动作!当你观看时,效果会更好 VR色情. The experience couldn’t get any better. There are already several sites focusing on videos with scripts for such interactive sex toys. You can find them on The Handy website in the Partners section.

去哪儿 The Handy?

When we first got our Handy, we really didn’t know what to expect. We were quite sceptical even though there were a lot of positive feedbacks from users. And now, after several uses, we can join those satisfied men. Because the experience is really awesome, and it will be hard to not use this sex toy every time when being in the mood. You can get The Handy 从他们的官方网站 便利网。然后,如果您认为体验可能会更好,我们建议您尝试其所有功能和其他套筒。现在是时候回答标题中的问题了。是的, The Handy is the best sex toy for men!
