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What is the first thing you look at when you meet a woman? Her face? Her tits? Her ass? But what if the girl has such awesome legs, you don’t care about anything else? Yep, this is the case of the Reddit Legs thread, where the hottest ladies post their legs. With high heels on, in stockings, in fishnet, or completely naked in different positions. The only rule of this thread is posting pictures with the fully visible legs. And the rest is up to these girls. Some of them want you to show you… read more
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关于 r/Legs

当你见到一个女人时,你第一眼看到的是什么?她的脸?她的乳房?她的屁股?但如果这个女孩有这么棒的腿,你什么都不关心呢?是的,Reddit 的“美腿”主题就是这样,最热门的女士们都会在这里发布她们的美腿。穿高跟鞋、穿丝袜、穿渔网、或者全裸,以不同的姿势。该帖子的唯一规则是发布腿完全可见的照片。剩下的就取决于这些女孩了。他们中的一些人希望您向您展示他们的整个裸体。他们中的一些人只向你展示他们完美的屁股。但您始终可以确信您得到了您想要的东西。