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Model Media Asia

rating 91%
You can't get tired of the hottest Asian pornstars on Model Media Asia, a premium Asian porn site! They have amazing premium porn videos. And the best part? Everything is completely uncensored! There are Asian pornstars you never heard of but you can also find Rae Lil Black. You never know what will you bump into next. Homemade sex recordings or big-budget porn movies! There are many membership tiers to choose from. The 7-day trial for 5 dollars is worth it when you want to try out the site. … read more
  • top Asian models, cinematic experience, over 400 scenes, uncensored
  • hard-to-understand subscription options, no English subtitles
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About Model Media Asia

Asian porn trying to look like western adult movies? Can this work? Of course, it can! The hottest Asian girls are trying something new, and they are incredible at it! They are not only beautiful but also passionate and make every scene an unforgettable experience. We made a little journey to the depth of an amazing Asian porn site, and we came back full of love and wild stories we need to tell you. Because this website is something that was missing in our collection. Be prepared for the ModelMediaAsia review!


How surprising can the first visit be? In this case, pretty much. Because you will immediately feel like you are on a western website. With the modern design, you get hot Asian girls welcoming you from the big header. The title says 100% exclusive top Asia pornstars. And we are thrilled we can watch them in action. Right from the beginning, we have to say the site doesn’t really belong among the JAV porn sites. Because this time, the site, and we guess, also the girls, come from China. Yep, the best Chinese porn is waiting for you.

And if you think the Chinese pornstars can’t match the Japanese models, you should spend some time here. Because we made a pretty interesting finding – Chinese girls know how to fuck hard! But about them later. Just like we are used to from the US porn sites, we get the latest movies on the homepage, followed by coming soon scenes and a quick look at various series, plus sexy models. Everything is in English, so you won’t need a dictionary. But there is not much text in general. Not even stories under the video player. That’s a shame.


Although almost every text on ModelMediaAsia is translated to English, one important thing is missing. Subtitles! Okay, there are Chinese subtitles. However, not very helpful in our case. If they want to get popular with the western audience, subtitles are a necessity. Never mind, we came to watch the girls fucking anyway. And when they scream while being drilled by some Chinese massive cock, you probably can imagine what is going on in her head. The navigation on the site is easy, and you will quickly find your way to the Videos section.

We were quite excited about the series on the homepage, but they don’t have a special section, so we have to search for them between other movies or go back to the homepage. Never mind, Squirt Game looked too hot to not find it again. Its motto – Sex, Die or Win It All, sounds as hot as the sex scenes we can witness. One girl and four guys forcing her to squirt? Yep, we will definitely come back later. Other series are called Vintage, TV Program, or Occupational Sex, where horny people decide to fuck instead of working. Pretty amusing concept.

The Hottest Chinese Pornstars in Action!

The Videos section at is filled with amazing Asian porn movies. There are right now around 200 porn videos with the hottest Chinese pornstars. Every movie has an exciting storyline, so don’t expect some gonzo porn. These girls need some reason to get naughty. Even though you won’t understand a word, you can imagine what the story is all about. The movies are usually around 30 minutes long with perfect hardcore actions. There are also many scenes in which the Asian model appears in the company of more than just one cock! Yep, hardcore threesome and foursome orgies are getting real!

And who are the hottest Asian pornstars? Although we tried to find them, we didn’t get any results leading to western websites. So if you fall in love with some of the girls, what is quite easy when you look them in their cute eyes, you will have a pretty hard job finding more porn with them. There are more than 60 Chinese pornstars in the Models section, and most of them are beautiful teens who want only one thing. A hard cock deep inside their tight pussies. What a way to end our review!


There are not many Chinese porn sites that try to make their way to the western audience. But this one? This one really deserves your attention! Join the hottest Chinese girls at, and let your fantasy transfer you behind the Great Wall of China, where the tiny teens fuck hard! With everyday updates, you get a never-ending supply of hardcore Asian porn. And with 90 Days Downloadable Membership for $9.16 a month, you can not only stream the scenes but also download them to your device. Let the cute teens teach you how to say HARDER in Chinese!