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Everyone knows PornHub is one of the two big names among the free porn sites. Along with XVideos, they have been leading the market and setting trends for years. As soon as you enter PornHub, you will get greeted with the hottest videos in your area. Sort the newest additions by various filters such as newest or most viewed. Don't forget to check out who is the hottest amateur porn creator this month and what pornstar leads the PornHub ladder! … read more
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Pornhub Review

There are not many free porn sites that will satisfy you with its variety and amount of the content. But Pornhub will. Simply put, you can always rely on Pornhub that you will find what you are looking for, no matter what your naughty thoughts are. There are countless categories and the biggest community of the porn fans. Billions of visitors enjoy their time here. Active members can chat together and like each other's hot photos and videos. And you can be a part of it. Whether you want to jerk off or find friends to chat with, Pornhub has you covered. Let's dive into the world of porn!


The Pornhub's logo and its colors are legendary. When you see the white, orange, and black colors you know you are in the right place for your horny mood. As soon as you enter the homepage, you will be smitten with the hottest porn videos in your area. Once you start browsing this selection, you often don't even get to browse your favorite categories. Let's take a closer look at what's hidden in the extensive menu.

The Porn videos link will lead you to discover recommended, hottest, most viewed, top-rated, popular homemade, shorties, playlists, channels, random, newest, and viewers' choice videos. Then there are other links, namely Categories, Live Cams, Pornstars, Fuck Now, Community, and Photos & Gifs. We will take a closer look at all of them, don't worry. Of course, Pornhub is mobile responsive, as it's a must-have nowadays. That way, you can enjoy your favorite private time anywhere you want.


The amount of Porn videos you can enjoy to the fullest here is breathtaking. It's no exaggeration to say that there are so many videos on Pornhub that you can't watch them in a lifetime. For every kinky thought you have, you can find a bunch of videos on Pornhub. If you don't know where to start, try Top-rated, Hottest, and Recommended videos, they never disappoint. One of the absolutely top parts of Pornhub is Channels. On their top rungs, you'll find the most popular porn studios like Brazzers and Blacked, which are a guarantee of the highest quality. Every porn company has its own channel where you can watch a selection of their videos as much as you like. New to Porn videos are Shorties which are obviously inspired by the format of short videos that are now trending on social media.

There are currently 100 Categories on Pornhub with millions of videos in them! The most popular are Mature, Teen, MILF, Ebony, Anal, Old/Young, Lesbian, Threesome, Japanese, and Hentai. You can also filter categories by orientation (all, gay, transgender) or filter videos in your language. Whether you like the classics like Masturbation, Creampie, and Cumshot, or something a little more special, such as BBW, Cartoon, or Fisting, you will surely find what you are looking for here.

If you are a fan of Live Cams you will be pleased with Pornhub's cams section. Get ready for an incredible selection of hot girls and women. When you click on the Live Cams text, you will be redirected from Pornhub to another site. And what happens when you click the Fuck Now button? You will be redirected to a random dating site. Definitely not as fun as staying on Pornhub (often mistaken as pornhu, porn.hub, porhub, pornhun or pormhub) and watching thousands of the hottest women from all around the world fucking!

Performing Pornstars are divided into three main categories. The Models section focuses on verified amateurs. The Pornstars section is dedicated to professional female pornstars. And Male actors are, as you can assume, male pornstars. You can then sort them thanks to several rankings like top trending, most popular, and most viewed. You can also use filters, such as fake tits, natural tits, small tits, huge tits, redheads, blondes, Asian, black, and much more. Pornstar profiles are really polished to the last detail and many pornstars reveal juicy details about themselves on their profiles. You can subscribe or add them as a friend if you want. It's no surprise that you'll find nearly every famous pornstar on Pornhub. The models are ranked and you can check their weekly, monthly, yearly, and last month's ranking.

As mentioned before, the Community you can be a part of is as important a part of the site as the videos themselves. With billions of active members, you could become friends with many interesting girls and guys and share your naughty thoughts with them. Countless people visit the Pornhub daily to enjoy the huge amount of entertainment on offer. There are multiple filters to find members of your desire easily. Don't forget to check out features like Community Feed, Top Members, Newest Verified Girls, Newest Verified Couples, Newest Verified Guys, Popular Verified Models, Online Members, and Member Search.

Photos & gifs are another popular part of the content. You can create your own galleries and participate in building amazing content. Galleries are divided into segments depending on whether the pictures show solo female, straight, solo male, gay, transgender, miscellaneous, or uncategorized content. Users can rate your photos and gifs. If you mark them as private, only your friends will see them. You can filter the most recent, most viewed, or top-rated photos. And you can also filter them by handy tags.


Pornhub began its journey in 2007, in Montreal, Canada. Three years later, it was bought by a big porn company named MindGeek. These days, is without a doubt one of the oldest and finest porn sites you can explore. It constantly brings you new content, every second of the day! Can you imagine it? Every second new porn video with some hot lady asking for your attention. Pornhub is the second biggest porn site in the world, and you will always find here what you are looking for. Don't miss it and become a part of the largest sex community in the world!