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Rule34XXX takes Rule 34 even further and says: If it exists there is porn of it. If not, start uploading. That's right. What are you waiting for? Register and upload your hentai art and hentai albums for everyone else to enjoy. Become part of the community. Even if are yet to start your first hentai album, you can freely browse and see the best hentai art with anime girls from popular shows. Busty Tsunade with a huge ass, Nezuko who plays with her wet cunt, Princess Peach getting cumshot all over her ass, AI hentai art and much more! … read more
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Rule34xxx Review

Rule34 xxx is a porn site that focuses on one thing - cartoon pictures. There are some videos too (marked with a blue border), but this site is mostly about images. It sounds a bit limited, but they're doing a good job focusing on that one thing precisely. Rule 34 itself is a term that means "If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions.". And that's exactly what this site delivers to you. There is every possible niche, every character, every fetish you could know. This is really a site where you can find things you have never heard of. And their 39m+ monthly visitors can assure you that it is true.

Design and Usability

Their design is really old-school. This site is not pimped up, but it's not it's purpose. Their purpose is to bring quality content. On the homepage, you can choose from a few links, which are Posts, Comments, Forum, and My Account. And right under these links, there's a search input. When you try to search for something, be careful to use underscores instead of spaces, or you find nothing. Their search algorithm works with tags, so you have to search for them.

Speaking about tags, it's the core of this website. All is sorted using tags. To make it a little more well-arranged, there are more types of tags. There are classic tags (blue) as you know them, then there are character tags (green), artist tags (red), metadata tags (orange), copyright tag (purple), and so on. It may take some time to handle this site correctly. It's also good to mention that posts don't have a name or title. It's just a post with Id XXXXXXX.


  • Posts - list of posts which are simple photos (or drawings) and sometimes videos (marked with a blue border)
  • Comments - list of recent comments along with previous comments on the same post
  • Artists - that's quite self-explanatory
  • Tags - list of tags (including meta tags, artist tags, etc.)
  • Pools - these are kind of favorite listings, posts that are related and put together
  • Forum - a forum for weird folks talking about their fetishes, and also about some general sex-related things
  • Stats - TOP 10's in categories like top taggers, commenters, posters, etc.
  • iCame TOP 100 - This one is quite interesting and never heard of something like that before. Basically, whenever you come during browsing posts on, you should hit on the image in the middle of a left sidebar with the text "Aaaaaaaaa I CAME". These kinds of votes are added up and used to make statistic that is named iCame TOP 100, which sums votes based on characters that were in the post. 

Actually, there is no gallery. There are just posts at each own that can be combined using Pools. Individual image posts and videos are as simple as they can be. There is nearly nothing to tell you about it. The images are not resized mostly, so you have to scroll to see them all on smaller monitors. Videos are using basic player, which lets you download the video content (which is cool), control volume, and enter half-screen or fullscreen mode. The last thing that is worth mentioning here is that it is looped automatically, so you can enjoy short videos in the loop.


Content is the main advantage of this site, along with the community. There is really an enormous number of posts in every category (tag). You like little girls? Or big futa dicks? Or monsters with tentacles, video game characters, Frozen, giantess, 2D or 3D, hanging, cum inflation, really hardcore stuff like snuff, or everything together? You'll find it there. Just use the search function.

Mobile Version

The mobile version is easy to use, and I didn't find any problem with it. I can search, browse results, and see images and videos. You have two menus - one for the main menu and one for submenu. Despite the website doesn't look somewhat good, it is easy to use.


After making an account, you'll be able to upload posts, edit other's posts, comment them, and add posts to favorites. Notably, you don't need to enter your email for registration. You need just nickname and password. But of course, if you forget your password, you have no way to change it without email address. I think that for most users, the best feature is the "Add to favorites" function. All other things (except upload posts) you can do with an anonymous account.


The community is really active on (also known as rule 34 xxx, r34 xxx or rul34). That's because it is basically just a platform for users. All content is user-generated and curated. Everyone can make a suggestion for a change in anyone's post. Anyone can flag a post for deletion. Everyone can comment. Users are tagging each other's posts to make this whole site better. So you can bet that this site is not dead or boring.


I have to say that I really like this site. The idea that the whole place is curated by its users is impressive, and it really works. The significant advantage is that everything is very well tagged by users, so you can easily search using tags. Another advantage is the community, which is very strong there. And of course, the massive supply of content. I bet that you have no chance of seeing all of the content they serve to you.