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FapHouse is one of the most progressive Premium porn sites on the internet! Why? Because its UI is clean and you can switch between light and dark mode and even use SFW mode. The last is especially helpful for content creators that can share their newest premium porn videos on social media sites without the risk of getting banned. This is the perfect site if you need an alternative for PornHub or Xvideos. On FapHouse, you can find professional sex scenes and amateur porn videos. … read more
  • full videos from the biggest studios, over 500,000 scenes, every possible fetish, amateur recordings included
  • varying video quality
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About FapHouse

A real place where fapping is allowed. A real place where you can be a witness of fascinating sex scenes with the hottest pornstars in the world. This is Faphouse! Have you ever thought about not having to pay for memberships on all your favorite porn sites? This could be the solution. Because brings many big porn productions together and give you a chance to see their premium porn movies in one place. You can call this place a paradise. We will call it our home for the next few months. Let’s take a look at what it looks like inside the unique Faphouse!


When you first enter the Faphouse, you will see a lot of porn. Just like we love it. But here, you will see all kinds of porn that you can’t find on any other porn site next to each other. One recommended video is about a teen stepsister who really needs her stepbro to cum inside her tight pussy, and right next to it, busty MILF is tortured by a crowd of men with huge cocks. Which one will you choose? That’s the question you will ask yourself a lot when you will be scrolling down through all the insane sex actions.

The homepage is filled with nasty thumbnails that will definitely make you stay on this site for some time. Although it looks like some of the movies could be available for free, it’s not that easy. To view a majority of Faphouse porn movies, you have to get a membership just like you are used to from other premium porn sites. With the membership, you can watch over 200 thousand porn scenes from famous porn productions. But still, there are movies you have to buy separately for tokens. Of course, we will look at them closer.


The Videos section is the place where all the fun takes place. Right now, there are 320 thousand videos from almost 5 thousand studios. A pretty impressive number. And you can find there almost any possible sex action you can imagine. From BDSM activities to lesbian group orgies to family taboo porn. And it’s only up to you what porn genre you will choose. To make it easy for you, you’ve got here 242 niche categories where you find everything you need. Every category is filled with hundreds of the hottest sex movies, and you really can’t make a bad decision here.

Let’s get back to the Videos section, where we can use a few sorting options to narrow down our selection. We choose to sort the movies by the newest that are in 4K quality and at least 30 minutes long. And here we are. Outdoor sex with a tattooed French Gothic woman is at the first position, and we already know we will like it. Just like we will like Ember Snow fucked and facialized in the Spizoo porn movie. Spizoo is not the only big production that offers their movies in the Faphouse. You will definitely love Pure Taboo scenes, over a hundred Kink videos, or young teens in Sis Loves Me series.

Most of the movies from these huge productions are available within your subscription. But there are also a lot of studios that offer videos for extra tokens. The price is usually around 100 tokens per movie. But some of them are asking for more. For example, Angel the Dreamgirl asks for 400 tokens for her movie Trust me, I’m your doctor. And we cannot say she’s not hot, but we will spend our tokens for four movies instead. The Japan Lust studio has prepared for us hour-long movies for only 100 tokens each. That’s an offer we can’t resist!

2023 UPDATE: What's New on Faphouse?

Faphouse is now a home for more than 7,500 porn studios and is still growing. Since our last visit, we can watch 60 thousand more videos! Amateur teens got nastier, busty MILFs got hornier, and the quality of the movies got way better. Among the most popular scenes on Faphouse, we can see homemade porn recordings from shy teens trying to make a little step forward to a successful porn career. But if you’d like to see professionals doing what they can best, you can enjoy Kink brutal porn movies or Deutschland porn with almost a thousand German porn clips!

For all the creators, Faphouse introduced their SFW version, which is perfect for sharing safe content on all social media platforms. There is now only a small risk the account of creators will be banned from social media networks, and their content can reach more people. The most watched video at this moment is from Private Society and their ultimate home orgy with several sluts satisfying multiple dicks, including BBCs. Real girls, real sex, and real entertainment at


Now you know what to expect from the Faphouse. But still, there is a lot for you to discover. We really couldn’t name all the porn productions from which you can watch here the best premium porn movies. But with the membership, you will get them all. And you will even be able to download the best scenes to your device. The best offer is surely a 12-month subscription for €5.99 a month. But at, there are so many videos, you will appreciate the lifetime membership for €299.99. Whatever you choose, you will be overwhelmed by the amount of real premium porn!