
Furry fetish is known since 1990. It appar in many films and tv series like CSI. There is no official description of furry fetish, but more or fewer members of this culture agree on two main directions - people who dress like animals but act like humans and these who dress like animals and act like ones. They even do voices and have a behavior similar to animals.During the years, furry culture has undergone a revolution from simple dressing to costumes to cartoon porn pictures & videos.… read more
Visit Furaffinity

What is furry fetish?

Furry fetish is known since 1990. It appar in many films and tv series like CSI. There is no official description of furry fetish, but more or fewer members of this culture agree on two main directions - people who dress like animals but act like humans and these who dress like animals and act like ones. They even do voices and have a behavior similar to animals.

Amazing revolution

During the years, furry culture has undergone a revolution from simple dressing to costumes to cartoon porn pictures & videos. There are many interesting corners in this big world. Everyone can find out what they like from simple pictures of dressed people to hentai furry anal penetration of elf-bunny humanoids.

Design of the page

Furaffinity bet on simple dark tuned design, with nice pictures in the background. Size have not many complicated elements and is fully responsive to all devices. The mobile-friendly environment allows you to check your favorite pictures everywhere.

Why this fetish?

This is an interesting question. It depends on many factors. If you are a fan of unknown and furry and have tendencies to like a cosplay. Then you are an ideal candidate to try this fetish. The bonus points are for nature-loving.

Sexy animals gonna wild

Do you want to see animals having sex with no bad feelings about their suffering? Then furry culture is here to your service. Cute cartoon art is an innocent way to fulfill your lusts. Even so, you can jerk it off on many porn videos with real humans in costumes.

Honourable mentions

  • Upload
  • Support
  • Huge collection


  • Browse: Extended browse allow you to filter out any unwanted content and focus on the stuff you wanna see.
  • Upload: If you are an artist, you can present your artwork here.
  • Support: For people who have some questions or want to suggest an improvement.
  • Search: Search for specific keywords.
  • Community: Big community of furry enthusiasts.
  • Registration: Quick registration separate you from many perks.


No matter why you are here if you are interested in animal artwork, you are in the right place. However, this site is not based on porno content, so if you just wanna jerk your snake, maybe you consider to try other sites. Feel free to explore our list to get more inspiration.