Furry culture is here for a long time. In 1990 there was, for the first time, used word furries for a group of people dressed as animals. There are two main directions. Fellas clothed as animals. They keep their human nature and other people who dress as animals and act like ones. Furthermore, they even do voices and copy other animal behavior. There is no main definition of this fetish, but members of this culture have many explanations.At present, there are many trends in this awesome… read more
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Furry culture

Furry culture is here for a long time. In 1990 there was, for the first time, used word furries for a group of people dressed as animals. There are two main directions. Fellas clothed as animals. They keep their human nature and other people who dress as animals and act like ones. Furthermore, they even do voices and copy other animal behavior. There is no main definition of this fetish, but members of this culture have many explanations.

Actual trends

At present, there are many trends in this awesome culture. For example, many artists start to create new furry fantasy characters. This means members who like to dress to costumes have many more choices. It also boosts the porn industry.

About page

SoFurry has a nice light design with many elements. It might look like a mess sometime, but after a while, you will adapt. The page is good enough for all devices, especially for mobiles.

Kinky fetish or regular lifestyle

For many people, furry is no fetish but a regular lifestyle. There are big groups which meeting together, and literally, live together. Big sex parties and many more activities are here daily routines.

Furry and sex

When you are clothed as animals, you have many perks. For example, nobody knows your face or your race, and many more. All that matters is your alter ego. You can build your own world with people who like furry like you do.

Honourable mentions

  • Chat & Forum
  • Extended Browse
  • Market


  • Home: News and new feed are right on the home screen.
  • Browse: With extended browse, you can separate unwanted content.
  • Market: You can post your offers or request to buy stuff.
  • Groups: Join a group or create your own group.
  • Chat: You need to be registered to use a chat.
  • Forum: Debate about your fantasies with other members.
  • Search: Great suggestions appear after you enter some keywords.
  • Registration: To unlock the full potential of this page, you need to register yourself.
  • Community: Great community that shares similar interests and lusts.


Sofurry is here for all people who want to chat about this fetish or read interesting stories. Last but not least, this site is full of great artwork. This community home welcomes all new members.